Mister Grinch Glasses


Complete your Grinch Costume with a pair of Grinch Glasses. They’ll provide you with that much needed frightening stare. You know the one I mean, it scares away women, children, and sometimes men.

Buy from HalloweenCostumes.com

SKU: 9287500190731967

“It’s because I’m green, isn’t it?” It took Jim Carey 2 ½ hours every day to put on his Grinch costume and makeup. While his costume was incredibly realistic-or as realistic as Dr. Suess can get-that is a long time to spend getting ready, especially when you could be Trick or Treating! If you had the option between spending 2 ½ hours getting ready, or spending 2 ½ hours getting free candy, which would you choose? The choice is easy; get the candy and leave the makeup!In these officially licensed Grinch Glasses, you can terrify the inhabitants of Whoville with ease, as it will take you all of 2 seconds to put these Grinches on! Slip them over your eyes and you can indulge in your own Grinch-like qualities! It’s the easiest way to become the classic Seuss character in an instant!




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